PDE PennLink Outlines Local Educational Agency (LEA) Requirements for Reporting Due Process Resolution Meeting Outcomes (March 24, 2019)

On March 19th, Patricia Hozella, Interim Director of PDE’s Bureau of Special Education, and Carl Beck, Director of PDE’s Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Support, released a PennLink communiqué to inform Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)  of their requirements for reporting due process resolution meeting outcomes. Annually, the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs requires the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Bureau of Special Education (BSE) to report the outcomes of all due process resolution meetings, whether held or not held. LEAs must provide resolution meeting data for all due process complaints initiated by parents. LEA-initiated due process complaints do not require a resolution meeting. PDE meets this federal reporting obligation, in part, through the data collection work by the Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR). ODR collects the data on due process resolution meetings through the Resolution Meeting Data Form (RMDF). BSE addresses any compliance concerns with the data submitted. Currently, LEAs may complete the RMDF online or they may send a paper copy of the completed document to ODR. Effective March 25, 2019, all RMDFs must be submitted online to ODR. Paper copies will not be accepted. This change in procedure is to ensure the efficient collection and compliance review of the data.

The process for entering information is as follows:

1. When ODR sends electronic notification to an LEA that a parent/guardian has requested a due process hearing, that notification will include a link to access and complete the RMDF.

2. Below the link will be the case file number and the password needed to access the form. For example:

                File Number: 11111-18-19

                Password: ####

3. The form will guide the user through a series of questions regarding the resolution meeting process and the case specific outcomes.

4. Once submitted, the user will no longer be able to access and edit the form.

5. An email with a copy of the completed form will be sent to all parties.

6. Questions and technical assistance will be provided by the ODR Resolution Meeting Representative listed on the initial contact email.

The ODR website is https://odr-pa.org/. Questions regarding the RMDF system or responsibilities for entering resolution meeting data should be directed to Karen Eberly at [email protected] or 800.222.3353, option 8.