BSE PennLink to LEAs provides Revised Entry Level Credential of Competency Checklist for the 2023-24 School Year (November 4, 2023)

On November 2, 2023, PDE Bureau of Special Education (BSE) Director Carole L. Clancy, sent a PennLink to all LEAs titled Revised Entry Level Credential of Competency Checklist for 2023-2024 School Year. The message states that for the 2023-2024 school year, the BSE is introducing a revised Special Education Paraprofessional Entry Level Credential of Competency Checklist. This revised checklist aligns with the updated Council for Exceptional Childrenā€™s seven core competencies for knowledge and skills for pre-service preparation, ongoing professional development, and performance assessment of paraprofessionals.

Per 22 Pa. Code Ā§ 14.105, instructional paraprofessionals are required to meet one of the following qualifications:    
(i)       Have completed at least two years of postsecondary study;    
(ii)      Possess an associate degree or higher; or    
(iii)     Meet a rigorous standard of quality as demonstrated through a state or local assessment.

The Entry Level Credential of Competency Checklist serves as the state assessment and satisfies the third pathway under 22 Pa. Code Ā§ 14.105. If a paraprofessional in a local education agency chooses this path, their supervising administrator must document the paraprofessionalā€™s attainment of the seven competencies outlined in the Special Education Paraprofessional Entry Level Credential of Competency Checklist and submit the form to the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education. Upon review and approval of the submitted documents, the applicant will be issued an Entry Level Credential of Competency.

Additional options, beyond the Entry Level Credential, are currently being developed and will be available prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year. 

Please note, starting next school year (2024-2025), the Bureau of Special Education will only accept applications using the revised Entry Level Credential of Competency Checklist. The checklist must be completed electronically and emailed to [email protected].

For questions about the revised Entry Level Credential of Competency for Special Education Paraprofessionals, please email [email protected].

PA Nonprofit: Three Ways to Create a Disability-inclusive Curriculum (November 4, 2023)

As interest in disability-inclusive curricula grows, in April 2023 the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) announced the creation of a Disability Inclusive Curriculum Pilot Program to instruct K-12 students on the political, economic, and social contributions of individuals with disabilities. Under the program, schools can apply for up to $30,000 in grant funding to implement disability inclusive curriculum. In addition, the nonprofit Disability Equality in Education, based in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, has developed a curriculum and lesson plans vetted and evaluated by people with disabilities. The goal is the challenge the stigma of disability in education as well as to help to build empathy and understanding for those with disabilities.

For more from K-12 Dive, click here.

To learn more about the Disability Equality in Education program, click here.

USDE Title IX Rules Changes Delayed Indefinitely (November 3, 2023)

Citing an overwhelming number of comments to sift through, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) missed its October deadline to finalize two proposed sets of Title IX regulations (i.e., athletics and broader Title IX guidance). The original deadline was actually May 2023, and USDE has yet to announce a new date of anticipated release.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) must review the proposed rules before they are finalized, which is expected to add another 90 days to the process once OMB receives the proposals. At this time, Trump era rules remain in place.

Source: K-12 Dive

PDE: New Funding to Expand Hands-On Learning Opportunities (November 2, 2023)

On October 30, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) announced that Remake Learning Days in Pennsylvania will occur from May 2-22, 2024 to create engaging, hands-

Remake Learning Days celebrates the many learning opportunities in a community with innovative experiences and opportunities for youth to develop their sense of creativity, perseverance, and curiosity.

Since its implementation in southwest Pennsylvania, Remake Learning Days has become one of the worldā€™s largest open houses of family-friendly learning activities. Since 2016, the festival has hosted more than 5,100 events throughout the world for pre-K through high-school learners at libraries, schools, tech centers, museums, play spaces, community centers, and more, reaching more than 225,000 families.

BSE Sends Memo with Special Ed Plan Info for Phase 3 School Districts (November 1, 2023)

Carole L. Clancy, Director of the PDE Bureau of Special Education, sent a PennLink memo to LEAs titled Special Education Plan Information for Phase 3 School Districts. It states that the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is responsible for ensuring that all special education programs in public schools are appropriate and effective. To do this, school districts must submit a Special Education Plan every three years to PDE as required under 22 Pa. Code Ā§ 14.104. The school districtā€™s Special Education Plan outlines planning generated from district special education data, compliance monitoring, professional development activities, and training necessary to provide appropriate programs to students with disabilities. 

The special education plan will continue to be developed in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP). The first step to gaining access to the FRCPP is to ensure that you are a registered user on the PDE Portal. If you are not a registered user, please register here: Register a Username and Log In

Your school district’s Local Security Administrator can add/remove users in My PDE Suite. If you need help adding users to the new portal, please use the step-by-step guide for Accessing the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal. If you do not know who your Administrators are, you can find this information by clicking on Find my Security Administrator on the main page in My PDE Suite.

School districts in Phase 3 must submit their plans by May 1, 2024 in the FRCPP.

A mandatory pre-recorded webinar was released on March 16, 2023 for all school districts. It can be accessed at: The purpose of the webinar is to train school districts on the special education plan requirements and the FRCPP system.

Should you have any questions, please contact Sandy Zeleznik in PDEā€™s Bureau of Special Education at [email protected].