PDE Releases Empowerment Through Common Language in PA: A Dictionary of Terms Related to Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools (October 27, 2020)

According to Dr. Dana Milakovic, Mental Health/AOD Specialist for the PDE Office for Safe Schools, one of the consistent messages we heard last year during the Trauma Informed Approaches in Schools meetings throughout the state was the need for common languages in schools related to trauma-informed approaches. While the pandemic has halted our ability to meet in person and continue the conversations that started last fall, it did not stop PDE’s focus on trauma informed practices. We would like to send a huge thank you to the educators and practitioners who have meet throughout this time to develop the Empowerment Through Common Language in PA: A Dictionary of Terms Related to Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools. This remains a working document so we can continue to reflect the ongoing research and terminology that continues to emerge around trauma.

As we collectively continue to move forward in helping our schools, students, staff, families, and communities prevent and heal from trauma we hope this document is helpful in establishing a common language among our educational partners.

 To access Empowerment Through Common Language in PA: A Dictionary of Terms Related to Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools, click here or go to the PAPSA website where you can access the document by going to the “Resources ” drop-down and clicking on “Downloads.”