PDE Memo: LEA Special Ed. Data Reports Now Available to the Public Online (May 21, 2023)

On May 18, 2023, BSE Director Carole L. Clancy sent a PennLink memo to all LEAs titled Local Educational Agency Special Education Data Reports Online. The memo states that under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), every state must report annually to the public on the performance of each local educational agency (LEA) on the targets established in the State Performance Plan. This year states are required to report 2021-22 performance on the following State Performance Plan indicators for school-age students with disabilities: Graduation Rates; Dropout Rates; Participation and Performance on Statewide Assessments; Suspension Rates; Educational Environments; School-Facilitated Parent Involvement; Disproportionate Representation by Race/Ethnicity Receiving Special Education; Disproportionate Representation by Race/Ethnicity in Specific Disability Categories; Timelines for Initial Evaluation; Individual Education Program Secondary Transition Goals and Services; and Post-School Outcomes.

At the beginning of May, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) provided LEAs with an opportunity to preview these reports prior to going live to the public. The reports are now posted and available for public review at the Special Education Data Reporting (formerly PennData) website, http://penndata.hbg.psu.edu/. Click on Public Reporting, SEDR Reports, then select your LEA from either of the Public Reporting Reports drop-downs.