CDC Releases Back-to-School Guidance (June 2, 2020)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released voluntary guidance for reopening schools after extended closures due to the COVID-19 crisis. Recommendations include the following:

  • Face coverings should be worn by staff in all steps of reopening, and students, particularly older students, should be encouraged to wear fabric face masks. Masks should be worn “where feasible,” particularly in situations where physical distancing is difficult.
  • Schools should increase ventilation with outside air, unless it creates concerns for students with asthma.
  • Schools should ensure water fountains are safe to use after prolonged shutdowns.
  • Students should be kept in small class cohorts throughout the day to limit possible transmission of the virus between groups.
  • Schools should turn all student desks to face the same direction and space them six feet apart if possible.
  • Common areas, such as cafeterias, should be closed, and students should eat in their classrooms.
  • Schools should provide enough “high touch” objects, like art supplies and electronics, so that students don’t have to share and items can be disinfected between uses.
  • Schools should conduct daily health checks of staff and students, and isolate individuals if they feel unwell during the school day.
  • Administrators should provide options for telework and virtual learning for students and staff who are at higher risk for severe illness.
  • Administrators should close schools for one or two days to clean and sanitize when a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19.

 For more information from Ed Week click here.