USDE Approves PA’s ESSA Plan

On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 the US Department of Education approved Pennsylvania’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. PA’s approved plan includes: implementing a Career Ready Indicator that will highlight school success in career exploration activities, including at the elementary level; reducing chronic absenteeism; and long-term goals that include reducing the statewide percentage of non-proficient and non-graduating students by 50% by 2030, increasing the number of students who achieve proficiency on PSSA and Keystone Exams, and supporting English Language Learners in growth toward achieving English proficiency.

Approval of the plan was required in order to receive federal funding.

Many have been pleased with a part of the plan that is expected to result in third- through eighth-graders spending an average of 20% less time on state-mandated standardized testing.