SCOTUS Declines to Hear LGBTQ Student Rights Bathroom Case (June 28, 2021)

On June 28, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced that it would not hearĀ GrimmĀ v. Gloucester County School Board, a case that had the potential to decide whether schools are violating LGBTQ students’ rights when they prohibit them from using facilities (e.g., locker rooms and bathrooms) that align with their gender identity.

Although a decision on the 2015 case would have settled a debate over whether Title IX includes protections for LGBTQ students against sex discrimination, declining to hear oral arguments means the lower court’s decision in favor of Grimm still stands, leaving Grimm’s attorney and supporters to claim the Court’s decision as a victory for Grimm and other transgender students.

For more on the case from K12Dive, click here.