PCCD Releases Updated Model Threat Assessment Procedures & Guidelines (October 31, 2022)

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) is reporting that the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) has updated and released its Model K-12 Threat Assessment Procedures and Guidelines. The guidelines were first issued in 2019, pursuant to Act 18 of 2019 that established new requirements for K-12 school entities related to the establishment of threat assessment teams and related policies and procedures.

In 2022, further amendments were made under Act 55 of 2022 related to school safety and threat assessment. Act 55 clarified the frequency with which education and awareness efforts must be made with students, staff and parents/guardians, as well as the frequency with which appointed Threat Assessment Team members must undergo required training.

This second edition of the PCCD’s Model Threat Assessment Procedures and Guidelines has been revised to reflect these statutory changes. Additional changes reflect practical applications from recent research, updated resources and references, and addressing overlap with suicide prevention and response.

Click here to see the revised Model K-12 Threat Assessment Procedures and Guidelines.

Source: PSBA