One of the PAPSA Executive Board’s initiatives for 2019-20 is to partner with other educational organizations to provide additional benefits to our members. To that end, PAPSA has entered into a partnership with the PA Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (PASCD). As a result of PAPSA’s partnership with PASCD, one of the benefits for members of those organizations will be free access to all PASCD and PAPSA webinars. In fact, the first webinar is now available for PAPSA members by going to the PAPSA website, accessing “Member Resources” under the “Membership” drop-down, and entering the current PAPSA password. This webinar, titled The Relational Bank Account: Investing in Positive Teacher-Student Relationships is also the result of a collaborative efforts between the Center for Supportive Relationships and the Upper Darby School District and features Dr. Chris Pugliese. Check it out!