PAPSA Distinguished Service Award

Tom Burnheimer (right), Retired Director of Pupil Services for  the West Shore School District and Former PAPSA President, is  a recipient of the 2024 PAPSA Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding contributions to the field of pupil services.

Throughout our careers, we have come into contact with people who have gone above and beyond what would normally be expected; thus making outstanding contributions to the field of pupil services. Therefore, in order to recognize and promote excellence in human endeavors in the area of student services in Pennsylvania, nationally, or globally, the Pennsylvania Association of Pupil Services Administrators (PAPSA) has created the PAPSA Distinguished Service Award to recognize pupil services professionals for their exceptional contributions to our field. Please see the criteria below to determine whether someone you have in mind may qualify for this award. If so, please take a moment to fill out the PAPSA Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form, which will be made available December 2024.

Dr. Adam Oldham (center), School Counselor At Big Spring School District and the founder of the PA Coalition of Student Services Associations,  is  a recipient of the 2024 PAPSA Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding contributions to the field of pupil services.

Recipients of the PAPSA Student Services Distinguished Service Award must be either: (1) A pupil services professional in the state of Pennsylvania who has distinguished himself/herself in the field; (2) A contributor to the field of pupil services whose contributions have made a highly significant positive impact on the delivery of pupil services in the Commonwealth; (3) Someone whose service to the field of pupil services has been considered extraordinary and well beyond that of most others; (4) Recipients need not be a member of PAPSA; and/or (5) Can be either living or deceased.

Each honoree or, if deceased, the appropriate next of kin or designated relative/friend, will be invited to attend the PAPSA Annual Conference; will receive a plaque during the luncheon; and will be provided the opportunity to respond to the recognition. The nominator will also be invited to attend the conference and luncheon. In addition, the honoreeā€™s name and pertinent biographical information will be permanently and prominently displayed in an appropriate area on the PAPSA website.

PAPSA Distinguished Service Award Recipients
2025 TBA
2024 Tom Burnheimer, Dr. Adam Oldham
2023 Dr. Frank M. Bruno, Sherry Zubeck
2022 Pamela Vlasaty, Mike Lewis
2020 Brenda Derenzo
2019 Wayne Fausnaught, Brooke Jacobs