PA DHS Highlights Research in Best Practices for Behavioral Health Supports (March 7, 2022)

On March 7, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) released the latest issue of the Positive Approaches Journal, which aims to provide the most recent research and resources for people with mental health and behavioral challenges, intellectual disabilities, autism, and other developmental disabilities to live an everyday life. This edition focuses on effective behavioral supports and how they affect the populations DHS serves.  

“Part of DHS’ mission is to ensure that people have the resources and information they need to live an everyday life,” said Acting DHS Secretary Meg Snead. “We hope that this edition of the Positive Approaches Journal will provide some insight into best practices and methods so we can all work together to ensure that the people we serve can all be better off.”  

Articles in this issue encourage the reader to focus on merging the silos of mental and physical health and incorporating biomedical and socio-environmental influences which all play into how a person behaves. Positive Behavioral Support has proven effective in a variety of settings where challenging behaviors are likely to be triggered, like fast-food restaurants, playgrounds, job sites, and people’s homes. Behavioral approaches, once thought to be effective only with specific populations of people with diagnoses like autism or intellectual disability are effective for everyone, especially when developing plans with people who require complex mental health support.  

This edition features research and articles on the following: 
-Common Misconceptions About Behavioral Support – Debunked!: This article explores and reviews how behavioral support is often misunderstood. 
 -Employing the Principles of Positive Behavior Support to Enhance Family Education and Intervention: This article details how an evidence-based approach for supporting adaptive behavior, Positive Behavior Support (PBS), helps in addressing behavioral challenges.
-The Power of Collaboration through Behavioral Assessment and Treatment: This article details the admission, assessment, and treatment of an individual at Torrance State Hospital. 
-Putting the Positive in Behavioral Support: Considering the Role of Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose: This article highlights the importance of understanding behavioral supports.  

The journal is a collaboration of DHS’ Office of Developmental Programs and Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and collects resources, observations, and advancements in mental and behavioral health in order to better serve people in their communities.    

Click here to read this edition of the Positive Approaches Journal.  

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To read the press release, click here.