New PA Immunization Regulations Get Underway

New state regulations regarding required student immunizations got underway as schools opened their doors for the 2017-18 school year. Included in the new requirements is the need for seniors to have a received a second meningitis vaccine by the fifth day of school. This is in addition to the first meningitis vaccine, which is required prior to entering seventh grade. School officials across the commonwealth have been working hard to get students into compliance, and most have significantly pared down the number of students who have yet to comply with the new regs. Many students are being allowed to stay in school as long as they can provide proof that required vaccinations are scheduled with a healthcare professional, or if they have a religious or medical reason for not getting immunized. In many cases, school nurses and pupil services administrators have led the charge in helping to bring students into compliance, and numbers of students in jeopardy of being excluded from school have been greatly diminished. At the Bangor Area School District, Student Services Director Dr. Joseph Kondisko reported that there were initially nearly 500 students out of compliance. That number was whittled down to 48 by the time school began. Ultimately, only five students were excluded, but they have already returned to school. Dr. Kondisko also reported that at Bangor many parents had followed through on getting their students immunized, but held off on providing the needed documentation to the school. Please visit the drop-down titled State under the Government link on this site for more information.