Legislature Ends Session Failing to Act on Issues to Support MH and Protect Against Discrimination (October 28, 2022)

As the General Assembly leaves the Capitol on the last scheduled legislative session day, legislators failed to address a critical and ongoing need to support behavioral health services. Unfortunately, legislators left Harrisburg without allocating $100 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to address urgent needs. In fact, those funds were appropriated nearly four months ago in the budget and a  commission of experts in the field came together to make recommendations for their use, as mandated by the General Assembly, which created the commission. However, despite the work of the commission and support of the governor, no action was taken as we approach the holidays, a time when stressors on some tend to increase. In addition, a proposed regulation that would have provided additional protections against discrimination by adding ā€œsex,ā€ ā€œraceā€ and ā€œreligious creedā€ to the list of Protected Classes in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and the Pennsylvania Fair Educational Opportunities Act is currently held up in the legislature, potentially preventing it from moving forward.