Registration is open for Federal Programs Coordinator Trainings in February and March. To register, use this link: The training will be conducted in two sections: 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 to 12:00 p.m. The first half of the training will focus on Time and Effort Documentation, a run though of eGrants for Funding Adjustments/Amendments, and an Overview of Federal Programs’ monitoring. The second half of the training will be a facilitated walkthrough on school level plans including guidance on completing the Needs Assessment section within the new Future Ready Planning Portal. This session will help designated schools (CSI, ATSI, TSI) and Schoolwide Title I schools complete their required plans within the new web portal (please note that TSI are not required to submit a plan to the state). Schools that are non-designated and not schoolwide Title I are welcome to attend if they are interested in learning more about using the portal and completing a needs assessment. Allegheny IU 3: 02/13/20; Appalachia IU 8: 02/10/20; Beaver Valley IU 27: 02/14/20; Berks County IU 14: 02/18/20; BLaST IU 17: 02/07/20; Bucks County IU 22: 03/12/20; Capital Area IU 15: 02/13/20; Central Susquehanna IU 16: 02/05/20; Chester County IU 24: 02/19/20; Delaware County IU 25: 03/05/20; Intermediate Unit 1: 02/12/20; Luzerne IU 18: 02/07/20; Northeastern Educational IU 19: 02/06/20; Northwest Tri-County IU 5: 02/13/20.