Congress Extends CHIP Funding for Six More Years

The three-day government shutdown ended with Congress voting to approve a short-term bill that will fund federal operations through February 8, 2018. It will also fully fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) through fiscal year 2023. President Trump quickly signed the continuing resolution (CR) into law on the evening of Monday, January 22, 2018. The CHIP program, which provides coverage to children in families who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private insurance, had seen its funding technically expire back on October 1, 2017, although a temporary spending bill in December kept the program going through March 2018 maintaining coverage for an estimated nine million children. Nonetheless, more than 20 states were looking at CHIP funding shortfalls by the end of January 2018. Although CHIP is saved for six more years, the CR neglected to extend funding for Community Health Centers, which are also seeing their funding running out.