The Center for Safe Schools is pleased to present the Bullying Prevention Third Thursday professional development series. This series is a way for educators, bullying prevention trainers, social workers, after-school professionals and a host of community partners to become more familiar with bullying prevention, social emotional learning, cutting edge research, trauma-informed approaches and many more topics that help support school climate improvement in-person and online. The Center for Safe Schools is pleased to present the Bullying Prevention Third Thursday professional development series. This series is a way for educators, bullying prevention trainers, social workers, after-school professionals and a host of community partners to become more familiar with bullying prevention, social emotional learning, cutting edge research, trauma-informed approaches and many more topics that help support school climate improvement in-person and online.
The series kicks off on January 21, 2021 with Best Practices in Bullying Prevention: Examining a Three-Tiered Approach presented by Jane Riese, Associate Director, Safe and Humane Schools, Mary Dolan, Bullying Prevention Consultant, Pennsylvania Department of Education, and Stacie Molnar-Main, School Climate and Social Emotional Learning Consultant, Pennsylvania Department of Education, and Research Associate, Kettering Foundation