Shapiro Admin. Announces New Grant Funding Available To Support Disability Inclusive Curriculum In Schools (April 4, 2024)

On April 4, 2023 the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) announced the creation of a Disability Inclusive Curriculum Pilot Program to instruct K-12 students on the political, economic, and social contributions of individuals with disabilities. Under the program, schools can apply for up to $30,000 in grant funding to implement disability inclusive curriculum.

“In Pennsylvania, we are focused on ensuring every student has access to the educational resources they need, no matter their race, gender identity, language, or background,” said Acting Secretary of Education Dr. Khalid N. Mumin. “By teaching our children about influential individuals with disabilities, such as Harriet Tubman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Stephen Hawking, and Michael J. Fox, we can demonstrate the profound, positive impact that individuals with disabilities have on our society and create a more tolerant and inclusive world.”

PDE is requesting applications from public school entities and non-public schools interested in developing or expanding focused efforts and experiences to engage in the pilot program. Applications must be submitted by 3:00 PM on Monday, May 15, 2023. Schools can implement the new curriculum beginning in the 2023-24 school year.

Funding will be granted to successful applicants for a three-year period from the date of the award through June 30, 2026. A maximum of $10,000 per year is available to each school entity or non-public school entity.

The Disability Inclusive Curriculum Pilot Program, added to the Pennsylvania Public School Code last summer, is intended to promote topics and subject matter for instruction to all students, will help learners understand that disability is a natural part of the human condition, and will emphasize the critical contributions of individuals with disabilities. 

Disability Equality in Education led the effort to create legislation for disability inclusive curriculum, and its Director Alan Holdsworth said, “We look forward to working with schools and districts as they begin to embed disability into classroom lessons and conversations.”

The program will impact the overall culture and environment of schools by reducing the stigma of disability by including disability as a part of a school-wide strategic plan.

Governor Shapiro believes that the foundation for building strong and safe communities starts with an adequate and equitable public education system. His 2023-24 budget is the first step toward a comprehensive solution to improve our public schools, push education dollars out equitably, support our teachers, and invest in targeted solutions that meet students’ needs at every level.

For more information on the Pennsylvania Department of Education, please visit the website.

PDH Charts Course To Improve Health Outcomes For All Pennsylvanians (April 4, 2023)

On April 4, 2023 the PA Department of Health (PDH) published the Pennsylvania State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) that outlines goals, objectives, and strategies to improve the health of all Pennsylvanians over the next five years. This unveiling of the plan coincides with National Public Health Week, April 3 through April 9. 

The 2023-2028 SHIP was developed in collaboration with the Healthy Pennsylvania Partnership (HPP), with support from Harrisburg University. The HPP is made up of nearly 300 health care professionals, associations, health systems, health and human services organizations, community collaborations, local public health agencies, government agencies, and others focused on improving health outcomes across the Commonwealth. 

Under the overarching goal of improving the health status and life expectancy of Pennsylvanians, and eliminating health inequities, there are nine goals in the 2023-2028 SHIP:

1. Increase financial well-being, food security, and safe affordable housing;
2. Increase community safety by reducing the number of violent incidences that occur due to racism, discrimination, or domestic disputes;
3. Improve environmental health, focusing on environmental justice communities;
4. Increase the population at a healthy weight through increasing availability and accessibility of physical activity and affordable nutritious food;
5. Reduce the impact of tobacco and nicotine use;
6. Increase access to medical and oral health care;
7. Improve mental health and substance use outcomes through improved mental health services, trauma-informed trainings, and substance use interventions;
8. Improve health outcomes through improved chronic diseases management; and
9. Improve maternal and infant health outcomes by improving prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal care.

Governor Shapiro’s 2023-2024 budget supports many of the SHIP’s goals by proposing investments in key areas like $2.3 million to expand maternal health programming and study ways to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, $500 million over the next five years for mental health services for students, and $16 million to increase the minimum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit by 50%, among other investments.

The SHIP acts as a road map for the HPP and others to improve health outcomes and eliminate health disparities by working across the continuum from the social determinants of health, preventative interventions, and accessing quality and culturally humble care.

The Department’s commitment to the overarching goal of the SHIP will be showcased during a statewide, online Health Equity Conference being held Tuesday, April 4. 

More information on the SHIP can be found on the Department of Health’s website at State Health Improvement Plan ( .

USDE: FAFSA Update will Start in December 2023 (March 27, 2023)

On March 21, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education USDE) announced that a simplified version of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will debut in December 2023. The announcement came after a number of organizations pressured the USDE for more information regarding FAFSA dates, since states, colleges and access groups would need time to make significant adjustments to their systems and processes based on the FAFSA release date. Also, in December 2023 the USDE’s Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), will publish a “testing and demonstration” website for counselors and financial aid administrators to help staff, students and families navigate the updated form.

Normally, the financial aid form goes live in October of every year, but the USDE is in the process of streamlining the application after Congress approved changes to it in 2020. The re-designed FAFSA will apply to students seeking aid for the 2024-25 academic year.

Originally, a revised FAFSA was scheduled to go live for the 2023-24 academic year. However, in 2021 the USDE delayed implementation until the 2024-25 due to issues related to outdated technology.

Lastly, sometime in spring 2023, the USDE will publish tools to help school officials understand differences between the Expected Family Contribution ( EFC), which has been the metric for determining how much students and families pay for college after aid, and the upcoming Student Aid Index, which will function similarly to the EFC. Also, beginning this summer webinars will be offered to administrators to become familiar with the changes in the application and financial aid eligibility.

For more from K-12 Dive, click here.

USDE Issues DCL Calling for End to Corporal Punishment, Providing Guiding Principles on School Discipline (March 24, 2023)

On March 24, 2023, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona wrote to Governors, Chief State School Officers, and School District and School Leaders and urged them to end corporal punishment in schools—the practice of paddling, spanking, or otherwise imposing physical punishment on students. This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) reinforces the U.S. Department of Education’s (USDE) position that corporal punishment in schools should be replaced with evidence-based practices, such as implementing multi-tiered systems of support like Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), that create a safe and healthy school environments.

Despite decades of research showing the short and long-term harms of corporal punishment, the practice continues to be legal in at least 23 states.

In addition, the USDE released guiding principles on how  to maintain safe, inclusive, supportive,  and fair learning environments for students and school staff, including specific recommendations for evidence-based practices  to give students  what they need  to learn and grow.

In addition, USDE avers that it stands ready to support efforts to replace harmful disciplinary practices, including exclusionary discipline and corporal punishment through funding under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and through its technical assistance centers, including the Best Practices Clearinghouse, National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, and National Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety, among other resources.

USDA Proposes Lower Threshold for Schools to Qualify for Free Meals (March 23, 2023)

On March 23, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed a rule to expand access to the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which allows high-poverty schools to serve free breakfast and lunch to all students without requiring families to file an application.

The proposed change would lower the minimum threshold of the “Identified Student Percentage” (ISP) from 40% to 25% for a school or district to qualify for CEP. That percentage is calculated by dividing the number of students eligible for free meals by the total student enrollment. 

The USDA opened a 45-day public comment period on the proposed CEP rule beginning March 23, 2023. 

Source: K-12 Dive

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