Amid Rising anti-Semitism, USDE DCL Reminds Schools of Obligations Under Title VI (May 30, 2023)

In the wake of rising antisemitism in schools, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) reminded districts in a Dear Colleague letter (DCL) issued May 25, 2023 that they must address harassment and discrimination based on race, color or national origin. The USDE’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) may investigate complaints of anti-Semitic harassment or discrimination under Title VI if districts fail to do so, according to the letter. 

“Schools must take immediate and appropriate action to respond to harassment that creates a hostile environment,” said Catherine Lhamon, assistant secretary at the Office for Civil Rights, in the letter. “Title VI protects all students, including students who are or are perceived to be Jewish, from discrimination based on race, color, or national origin.”

Lhamon defined a hostile environment in the letter as “harassing conduct that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere with or limit the ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.”

Click here to access the DCL.

Gov. Shapiro Continues to Address MH Issues, Seeks Support for Funds (May 28, 2023)

Governor Shapiro continued to convene important conversations about mental health, hosting a roundtable with Parkland High School students in Lehigh County and a conversation on Black Mental Health with Department of Education Acting Secretary Khalid Mumin, First Lady Lori Shapiro, and experts and advocates from across the Commonwealth who are using their voices online to end the stigma.  

The Governor is also shoring up support for his budget proposal that includes $500 million over the next five years so schools can fund mental health counselors and services on site and $20 million in 2023-24, which would grow to $60 million annually by 2027-28, to restore mental health funding for Pennsylvania counties.

USDE Releases Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer in K-12 Public Schools (May 26, 2023)

On May 15, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) made public updated guidance to provide information on the current state of the law concerning constitutionally protected prayer and religious expression in public schools. The principles outlined in the guidance are similar to the USDE’s 2003 and 2020 guidance on constitutionally protected prayer in public schools and with guidance that President Clinton issued in 1995. The USDE’s Office of the General Counsel and the Office of Legal Counsel in the U.S. Department of Justice have verified that this updated guidance reflects the current state of the law concerning constitutionally protected prayer in public elementary and secondary schools. This updated guidance has been made available on the USDE’s website at

PDE Offers No-cost PD Opportunities for 2023-24 (May 25, 2023)

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Bureau of Special Education, in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) and Intermediate Unit (IU) Training and Consultation Staff, is delighted to announce the availability of no-cost professional development, training, and technical assistance opportunities for the upcoming school year. These services, funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), aim to provide evidence-based, customized, and high-quality support to educators in meeting the needs of all students, with a particular focus on those with disabilities.
An archive of the presentation discussing the IDEA-B funded customized supports for the 2023-2024 school year is now available by clicking here. This presentation provides detailed information about the various supports and how districts can benefit from them.
The primary goal is to offer flexible, systemic, and tailored professional development opportunities that cater to the specific needs of each district. For the 2023-2024 school year, the following types of customized training and technical assistance supports are provided across the Commonwealth:
-Systemic Customized Supports: These supports encompass a wide range of training and technical assistance opportunities, including long-term plans that align with your district’s unique goals and objectives. By working collaboratively with you, we identify areas of need and develop a comprehensive training and technical assistance plan. Moreover, grant funding may be available to support coordinated efforts. Time-sensitive applications for systemic supports are due by June 30, 2023.
-Critical Customized Supports: Individualized training and technical assistance is offered to help educators overcome immediate challenges. The aim is to provide targeted support that improves student outcomes and builds capacity within your district. Critical supports will be available starting July 1, 2023.
-Emergent Short-Term Customized Supports: Should unforeseen needs arise, just-in-time training and technical assistance is provided to address them. A flexible approach enables a quick response, tailoring support to your specific requirements. Emergent short-term supports will be available starting July 1, 2023.
-Professional Development Customized Supports: Districts can request specific training or technical assistance that addresses a particular challenge or area of need. Working together, a training plan is designed that meets your unique requirements and aligns with your district’s goals. Professional development supports will be available starting July 1, 2023.
To access and submit applications for all types of customized supports, click here. Districts are encouraged to submit their systemic applications by June 30, 2023, to ensure timely processing and support for the upcoming school year.
PDE, Bureau of Special Education, PaTTAN, and IU Training and Consultation Staff are dedicated to supporting educators in delivering high-quality education to all students. Districts are encouraged to take advantage of these funded supports to ensure the success and inclusion of every student.

For more information, click here. or contact Angela Kirby, Ed.D at mailto:[email protected].

PDE Memo: LEA Special Ed. Data Reports Now Available to the Public Online (May 21, 2023)

On May 18, 2023, BSE Director Carole L. Clancy sent a PennLink memo to all LEAs titled Local Educational Agency Special Education Data Reports Online. The memo states that under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), every state must report annually to the public on the performance of each local educational agency (LEA) on the targets established in the State Performance Plan. This year states are required to report 2021-22 performance on the following State Performance Plan indicators for school-age students with disabilities: Graduation Rates; Dropout Rates; Participation and Performance on Statewide Assessments; Suspension Rates; Educational Environments; School-Facilitated Parent Involvement; Disproportionate Representation by Race/Ethnicity Receiving Special Education; Disproportionate Representation by Race/Ethnicity in Specific Disability Categories; Timelines for Initial Evaluation; Individual Education Program Secondary Transition Goals and Services; and Post-School Outcomes.

At the beginning of May, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) provided LEAs with an opportunity to preview these reports prior to going live to the public. The reports are now posted and available for public review at the Special Education Data Reporting (formerly PennData) website, Click on Public Reporting, SEDR Reports, then select your LEA from either of the Public Reporting Reports drop-downs.