CSC Offers PD Opportunities (December 14, 2024)

The Center for Schools and Communities (CSC) is offering the following professional development opportunities:

Spreading HOPE ā€” Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences – Jan. 8, 10 a.m. | Virtual

Living Your Values: Bridging Core Beliefs with Everyday Life – Jan. 10, 10 a.m. | Virtual

SEL4PA January Monthly Meeting – Jan. 15, 10-11 a.m. | Virtual

-Unleashing Extraordinary: Well-being Strategies for Educators Supporting Vulnerable Students Recorded Nov. 13 as part of the 2024-2025 Pennsylvania ECYEH Learning Series: Guidance for Successful Educational Journeys.

Please click on the links to access each session.

Law Mandating Oct. 1st FAFSA Deadline for Release is Signed (December 12, 2024)

On December 11, 2024, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law that will require the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) to make the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available by October 1 each year. The FAFSA Deadline Act will require the education secretary to update Congress on whether the USDE expects to meet the deadline.

The FAFSA released next year will be the first form to face the deadline mandated by the FAFSA Deadline Act.

For more information, click here.

USDE Releases Student Cell Phone Use Guidance (December 8, 2024)

On December 4th, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) issued a new 37-page resource titled Planning Together: A Playbook for Student Personal Device Policies that urges schools, school districts, and states to adopt policies to guide student use of cellphones and other personal devices in collaboration with families, students and educators. In lieu of recommending specific actions educators should take, the USDE recommends that policies are developed in consideration of local context and that policy decisions include input from parents, students, educators, and administrators.

The release is a result of more states and school districts restricting students use of cellphones during the school day in response to concerns that the devices distract from schoolwork and can hinder student mental health, but there has been opposition to these restrictions. The release is also in response to a May 2023 White House Fact Sheet announcing actions to protect youth mental health, safety, and privacy online

According to a statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, “In this digital age, every elementary, middle, and high school should have a clear, consistent, and research-informed policy to guide the use of phones and personal devices in school.ā€ He also supports education officials and local communities in making informed local decisions in developing policies that are ā€œunderstandable and enforceable, and prioritize learning while ensuring student safety.ā€

The resource suggests that when communities collaborate with educators, families and students to create cellphone use polices, they address certain questions, including:Ā 
–When phone use is not permitted, where and how are phones stored?
–How do policies protect the rights of students, including students with disabilities, adhering to their individualized education plan?
–Are there other considerations for underserved students such as English language learners?
–How do policies vary with the ages of students
–What training is provided for staff and students
–How can school districts and schools assess whether policies are working and how to refine them?

The National Parents Union, which released in survey results in September that found 78% of parents polled want their children to have cellphone access during the school day in case thereā€™s an emergency, voiced support for the guidance.

Click to access Together: A Playbook for Student Personal Device Policies.

For more from K-12 Dive, click here.

USDE Promotes Expanded Use of Behavior Assessments (December 6, 2024)

New guidance from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) promotes the use of individualized behavioral assessments and support plans for students with and without disabilities to help schools address problem behaviors and reduce suspensions and expulsions. The 25-page, nonregulatory guidance issued last month calls for using ā€functional behavioral assessmentsā€³ (FBAs) more often to help school staff and families better understand the causes of a studentā€™s behavior. Those FBAs can inform ā€œbehavioral intervention plansā€ (BIPs) for reducing challenging behaviors and measuring progress toward those goals.

The guidance came from the USDEā€™s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The new guidance notes that for students with disabilities or suspected disabilities, parental consent may be required for FBAs. Additionally, FBAs cannot be used to delay or deny an evaluation of a student who is suspected of having a disability.

Click here for more information from K-12 Dive.