OCR Doc Outlines How Civil Rights Laws Apply to AI in Schools (December 17, 2024)

The U.S. Department of Education’s (USDE) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has released a new resource outlining 21 examples of how artificial intelligence (AI) could contribute to discrimination in schools and colleges based on race, color or natural origin, sex or disability. The resource clarifies for school leaders how existing legal requirements apply to AI technology to help schools and colleges ensure their use of AI does not violate federal civil rights protections.

The OCR resource points out that some scenarios could be considered discriminatory without AI, but they may also “be compounded by its use.” It also asserts that the examples provided are “illustrative” and “non-exhaustive” and would not determine the outcome of any future OCR investigations.

In addition, the resource in essence puts school districts and education agencies on notice that they cannot plead ignorance regarding this issue and that OCR clearly plans to view AI use in light of civil rights laws.

For more from K-12 Dive, click here.

To access additional AI resources from USDE including an AI toolkit titled Empowering Education Leaders: A Toolkit for Safe, Ethical, and Equitable AI Integration, click here.

PDE Provides CSPG Updates (December 17, 2024)

The Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality has announced that the following Certification Policy Guidelines (CSPGs) have recently been updated:
            – CSPG 5 – Evaluation of Credentials for Individuals Prepared Outside of the United States
            – CSPG 7 – Level II Certification
            – CSPG 11 – Personal Information Changes for Certificate Holders
            – CSPG 13 – Emergency Permits

Please note that CSPGs are being continually refreshed at Staffing Guidelines on the PDE website. The CSPGs were developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in accordance with 22 Pa. Code § 49.13(b)(10) to provide guidance involving compliance with state laws governing certification and staffing practices in school entities within the Commonwealth. They also provide clarification to educators regarding:
(1) the issuance of professional certificates,
(2) the grade level and content scope of certificate subject areas, and
(3) the appropriate certificate for staffing professional positions in public schools.

In the CSPGs, you will find valuable information related to certificate eligibility as well as the proper staffing practices that will help achieve educational excellence in the schools of the Commonwealth. Currently 85 percent of all CSPGs have been updated to reflect changes in certification and/or Chapter 49 requirements. The refresh will continue for the remainder of the year.

Questions regarding CSPGs should be sent to [email protected].

PHRC Makes Training Resources Available (December 16, 2024)

The Pennsylvania Human Resources Commission (PHRC) provides training on a variety of social justice programs including bullying and harassment prevention; cross-cultural communication; bias and hate speech; cultural awareness and humility; diversity, equity, inclusion, & belonging (DEIB); intersectionality of discrimination and trauma; and unconscious bias.

To request a training, fill out the form on PHRC’s Request a Training webpage.

The PHRC enforces state laws that prohibit illegal discrimination. Information and resources are available on the PHRC website.

School Districts are Examining Policies, Protocols, and Laws Re. Undocumented Immigrant Children (December 16, 2024)

In light of an expected mass deportation of undocumented immigrants by the incoming administration, many school districts are examining their policies and protocols. School districts are also stepping up efforts to help ensure that staff and the public are aware of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s policy designating schools as a “protected area.,” which means that DHS, which includes U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), should refrain from conducting enforcement actions “to the fullest extent possible.” Protected areas also include places where children gather, such as playgrounds, recreation centers, childcare centers and school bus stops, according to the policy.

Some schools are also making sure that their internal and external publics are made aware of the June 1982 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, a landmark decision holding that states cannot constitutionally deny students a free public education on account of their immigration status.

Such steps are being taken to help ensure clarity regarding how undocumented immigrant children are to be treated should issues arise.

Source: K-12 Dive, click here.

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Kid-friendly Flavored Vapes (December 15, 2024)

During oral arguments for Food and Drug Administration v. Wages and White Lion Investments, LLC on December 9th, the U.S. Supreme Court appeared divided over tobacco industry claims that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unlawfully rejected millions of flavored e-cigarettes for approved sale due to concerns about nicotine addiction among young people.

In fact, several justices noted that even if the vape manufacturers loses the case, they could reapply for approval with the FDA via a new application. Also of note is that, while the first Trump administration stood firmly against the marketing and sale of sweet and candy-flavored vapes, president-elect Donald Trump said during the recent campaign that he wants to “save” flavored vapes.

Nearly a quarter of high school students who use e-cigarettes consume illicit menthol-flavored varieties, according to the 2023 National Youth Tobacco Survey.

The case will be decided before the end of the Supreme Court’s term in June 2025.

Source: ABC News