PDE Informs LEAs of Availability of Supplemental Equipment Grant Applications (October 25, 2021)

On October 25, 2021, Lee Burket, Ed.D., PDE Director, of Bureau of Career and Technical Education, released a PennLink message titled Supplemental Equipment Grant Applications Available. The message states that the Bureau of Career and Technical Education is now accepting applications for the 2021-22 Supplemental Equipment Grants.

Approximately $5,550,000 in state funds are available for the purchase of equipment and for the purchase of a complete set of tools for use in the hands-on instruction of students enrolled in Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE)-approved career and technical education (CTE) programs.

Pennsylvania secondary school districts and career and technical centers with PDE approved CTE programs are eligible to apply for this grant. The equipment and a complete set of tools must be a minimum of $3,000 per unit. The equipment must meet industry standards, and the Occupational Advisory Committee must have recommended each piece of equipment. Each grant will be awarded based on the funding formula. A match of local funds is not required.

The 2021-22 Supplemental Equipment Grant guidelines contain the application information and are available at Career and Technical Education Grants.The deadline for applications is November 30, 2021, at 5 p.m. 

Applications are submitted through the eGrant system. Application questions should be directed to Janelle Smith at [email protected] or 717-783-6990. Questions related to available funds should be directed to Ben Hanft at [email protected] or 717-787-5423.

CDC Issues COVD-19 FAQ for School Administrators (October 23, 2021)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued an FAQ on COVID-19 for school administrators. Among the topics addressed are vaccinations, testing and screening, masks, mealtimes, funding and more. The guidance is based on the CDC’s earlier recommendations for COVID-19 prevention in K-12 schools.

Click here to view the FAQ or go to

Source: K-12 Dive

PDH Releases October 2021 School Health Update (October 22, 2021)

On October 20, 2021, Colleen Schultz, PDH Chief of the Division of School Health, released the PDH October 2021 School Health Update. The Update consisted of three items:

The update can also be accessed at the Downloads option of the Resources drop-down on the PAPSA website by clicking here.

PDH: FDA and CDC Authorize Booster Dose of Moderna, Johnson & Johnson Vaccines to Certain Adults (October 22, 2021)

On October 22, 2021, following an in-depth approval process by the federal government, PDH announced that booster shots of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine will be available to certain adults.  These decisions follow action in September approving Pfizer vaccine boosters.

“Vaccine providers across Pennsylvania have supplies of all three safe and effective vaccines ready to administer booster shots today to those who are eligible,” Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said. “I am impressed by the tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians who are stepping up every day to get their first, second or third dose of vaccine to protect themselves, their loved ones and their neighbors against COVID-19.”

The CDC recommends booster shots for certain groups of individuals:

Individuals who received Moderna or Pfizer vaccine are eligible to get a booster, if:

Individuals who received the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine are eligible to get a booster, if:

  • It’s been at least two months since their initial dose.

Regardless of which brand of vaccine received for the primary COVID-19 vaccination, individuals are able to take any brand of booster dose.

Individuals who have questions about getting vaccinated are encouraged to talk to their doctor or other trusted healthcare professional.

Last month, Acting Secretary Beam signed an order to ensure that vaccine providers are prepared to start scheduling COVID-19 booster shots upon CDC authorization.

There will be an adequate supply of the vaccine for eligible individuals and Pennsylvania vaccine providers are prepared to administer doses now and schedule appointments. As with other healthcare services, patients may need to schedule appointments in advance.

“These vaccines remain our best strategy to stop the spread of COVID-19,” Beam said. “If you are fully vaccinated you still have protection. Getting a booster dose will increase your level of defense. If you have family and friends who are not yet vaccinated, please encourage them to talk to their doctor and consider getting vaccinated now.”

To find a vaccine provider near you, please visit www.vaccines.gov.

PDE Encourages Juniors to Apply for the 2022 PA Governor’s School for the Sciences (October 22, 2021)

On October 22, 2021, Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Secretary Noe Ortega announced that applications are open for the 2022 Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences (PGSS) at Carnegie Mellon University and encouraged eligible students to apply. 

“The Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences is a great opportunity for students interested in strengthening their STEM skills, networking, and preparing for a meaningful postsecondary experience,” said Secretary Ortega. “This program opens doors for talented students all across the commonwealth, especially for students who may have less access to high-quality resources, materials, and curriculum.”

PGSS is an intensive, five-week summer residential program that emphasizes cooperative learning and hands-on laboratory research for high school juniors pursuing careers in science and mathematics. 

With the support of Governor Tom Wolf, PDE, Carnegie Mellon University and its alumni, the program offers an enrichment experience in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The goal of the program is to encourage Pennsylvania’s youth to pursue careers in STEM-related fields. 

High school juniors can apply to participate on the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences website until January 31, 2022. Applicants must be Pennsylvania residents in their junior year of high school.

Accepted applicants will receive a full scholarship to the program. Awarded scholarships will cover the costs of housing, meals, and all instructional materials. Families are responsible for transportation to and from the university, personal items, and spending money. Students must commit to living on campus at Carnegie Mellon University throughout the duration of the program. 

PGSS offers students the opportunity to participate in true scientific research and specialized scientific study. The program also seeks to maintain a pipeline of modern technological talent throughout Pennsylvania and promotes the involvement of under-represented and minority students in STEM fields.

Since 2018, the Wolf Administration has secured $80 million and strategically invested in education and workforce development through PAsmart. These grants support high-quality STEM and computer science learning and professional development opportunities to communities across Pennsylvania, including within early learning centers, libraries, out-of-school time providers, career and technical centers, post-secondary institutions, and K-12 schools.

For more information from PDE, please visit the website.