PDE Expands CareerZone for Elementary Students

In October, the PA Bureau of Career and Technical Education announced that PA CareerZone (www.pacareerzone.org), a web-based tool that enables students to explore careers and develop their own plans for achieving life goals that initially served only middle and high school students, now offers career exploration for younger students as well. Up the Ladder includes several gaming elements, including badges that reward young students for career pathways explored. Both Up the Ladder and Pennsylvania CareerZone are fully integrated into the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Career Education and Work (http://www.pacareerstandards.com/documents/career-education-and-work-standards.pdf). For additional information related to Pennsylvania Career Zone and the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Career Education and Work, you may contact Tamalee Brassington at 717.783.6972 or [email protected].

PDE Releases Career Readiness Guidance Document

On October 23, 2017 PDE released a Career Readiness Indicator guidance document, which is the first of several communications that will offer guidance on the indicators included in the Future Ready PA Index. This document, in conjunction with the PIMS technical manual, is intended to provide administrators with information needed to accurately report accountability data on this new indicator. An LEA in need of technical assistance in career readiness implementation or evidence collection may contact the Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction at [email protected].

Governor Approves Late Budget

On October 30th, Governor Tom Wolf signed bills finalizing the overdue state budget. The package includes a massive expansion of gambling in Pennsylvania to help pay for what is said to be a “one-time” $2 billion budget deficit. The bills included provisions for the distribution of state subsidies necessary to pay the $32 billion budget that became law in July. Along with the legislation for expanded gambling, appropriations for state-related universities were also included. Of particular interest to the field of pupil services, the bill includes an appropriation under the Department of Labor and Industry for payment to the Vocational Rehabilitation Fund, which includes funding for services under the Work Experience for High School Students with Disabilities Act.

School Code Revisions Bill Sent to Governor

The Senate concurred in amendments made by the House of Representatives to omnibus School Code provisions under House Bill 178. The bill has been sent to the governor for his consideration. The bill includes provisions for the distribution of state subsidies as provided for under the budget. In addition, House Bill 178 includes language regarding:

  • Postponing the use of Keystone Exams as a graduation requirement for one additional year until 2019-20.
  • Continued review of Pennsylvania’s ESSA Consilidated State Plan Mandated school director training programs
  • PlanCon moratorium extension
  • Superintendent contract renewals
  • Economic furloughs/reinstatement of employees
  • Prohibition of school lunch shaming
  • Teacher preparation test scores/application for certification
  • School security drills
  • Classroom instruction for the prevention of opioid abuse
  • Multiple charter organizations
  • $10 million boost for EITC/OSTC

PA Senate Rejects House Budget Plan

The PA Senate has formally rejected a conservative budget plan passed by the House. This, in essence, restarts the negotiation process. Republicans in the House and Senate must now attempt to work with Governor Wolf, who wants the budget passed by the first of October.