SB 2 ESA voucher plan pulled from PA Senate Education Committee Agenda (April 24, 2018)

On Monday, April 23rd, the Senate Education Committee removed SB 2  from its April 24, 2018 meeting agenda. SB 2 would establish Education Savings Account (ESA) vouchers, which would siphon off tax money from public schools to be used for private schools and vendors. This is the third unsuccessful attempt to move the bill forward, and it is felt that pressure from many school districts that passed school board resolutions opposing the bill precipitated the removal from the committee’s agenda.

Deputy Secretary Stem Releases AEDY Reporting Memo (April 16, 2018)

On April 13, 2018, Deputy Secretary Matthew Stem released a memo regarding 2017-18 End-of-Year Reporting for Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Programs. The memo states that the End-of-Year Reporting through the Safe Schools’ website will open ( on June 1, 2018. All school districts and charter schools that place students in AEDY programs, which by definition are designed and utilized as disciplinary placements operated by a public school entity or approved AEDY private provider, must complete their End-of-Year Reporting to KSys through the Safe Schools’ website. Since 2015, sending school districts are responsible for entering data for all their AEDY students. IU programs are no longer able to enter these students on behalf of sending LEAs.

The deadline for completing AEDY End-of-Year Reporting is August 31, 2018, for the 2017-18 school year. If there is an approved program that was not utilized for placements for the 2017-18 school year, school entities must submit a letter signed by the superintendent on official letterhead indicating that no placements were made and submit via email to the State AEDY Team, ATTN:  Dana Klouser, to have the program removed from your reporting requirement.

Anyone requiring further clarification regarding the End-of-Year Reporting process, or who has any questions pertaining to the AEDY program, should contact the State AEDY Team at 717.705.3771 or email [email protected].

PA School Safety Task Force Holds Initial Meeting (April 10, 2018)

On April 6, 2018, the PA School Safety Task Force met at the Central York School District in the first of a series of regional meetings to hear from students, parents/guardians, school officials, law enforcement officials, healthcare professionals, and others in efforts to improve school safety and security. The task force will hold six meetings throughout the state before issuing a final report by the end of June.

The task force will solicit information from participants regarding safety concerns, funding needs, physical and mental health program effectiveness, security training and protocols, information sharing among agencies, and enhancing methods of anonymous reporting of suspicious activity.

The public is invited to share their recommendations for improving schools security online at The task force will use the feedback when preparing a final report.

School Breakfast Grants Available Until April 6th (March 24, 2018)

PDE is now offering mini-grants of up to $5,000 to help schools start or expand participation in the School Breakfast Program. Research shows that students benefit when eat a nutritious breakfast, but only about 50% of students that are receiving free or reduced lunches are also receiving breakfast. Schools can use grant funds for such things as equipment, staff training, program implementation, learning and building support, and marketing. The deadline to apply for these mini-grants is April 6, 2018. Grant awards will be announced by May 11th and will be available for use during  the 2018-19 school year.