State Board Supports Proposed Changes to Mandatory School Age Requirements (May 12, 2019)

On May 8, 2019, the PA State Board of Education voted unanimously to support the Wolf Administration’s proposal to require students to officially start school by the age of six and to remain in school until at least the age of 18. Currently, mandatory school ages in the Commonwealth are eight years old to begin school and 17 years old to drop out of school. The changes must still be approved by the General Assembly.

PDH Releases May 2019 School Health Update (May 10, 2019)

On Friday, May 10, 2019, Jill Clodgo, RN,  Chief, Division of School Health, Pennsylvania Department of Health released the May 2019 School Health Update. Highlights from the Report include:

The complete report can be accessed at

State Legislators Unveil 14-Bill Package to Help Create Safer and Healthier Schools (May 10, 2019)

On Wednesday, May 8th, in the spirit of creating a safer and healthier school environment for Pennsylvania’s schoolchildren, a 14-bill ā€œBeyond Safe Schoolsā€ package has been proposed by legislators. Those legislators – all democrats – are proposing an increase in funding to hire school staff that are primarily in the pupil services field (i.e., counselors, school nurses and social workers). School librarians are also included in the funding proposal.

One bill is offering a bill to cut in half the student-to-school nurse ratio from the current 1,500:1 to 750:1. Another bill would increase funding to schools that serve students who are homeless, chronically absent, and in foster care; would fund a study to determine a means whereby schools can measure the number of students experiencing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma in their lives; and would provide funding for pupil services staff (e.g., social workers and psychologists)  to help afflicted students.

Other bills in the package would increase training requirements for school police officers and security officers; mandate pediatricians to do depression screenings, reporting the number of suicides and attempted suicides on school grounds to the PA Office of Safe Schools; and require instruction regarding bullying prevention and cultural diversity.

PDE Bureau of Special Education Seeking Public Input Regarding Monitoring System (May 6, 2019)

PDEā€™s Bureau of Special Education (BSE) is working with a committee of stakeholders to update the monitoring system used to evaluate school districts and charter schools. The committee includes parents/guardians, advocates, LEA representatives, peer monitors, and others. This update is necessary to affirm that the monitoring system aligns with the requirements of Chapters 14 and 711, and for BSE to continue to fulfill the general supervision monitoring requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. BSE welcomes recommendations from the public about the monitoring system. To view updates, BSE is offering an online webcast that can be viewed on the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network website at The webcast will be made available beginning on May 6, 2019, through June 6, 2019. Registration is available now. You will be required to provide your first and last name, position/role, LEA or agency represented (if appropriate). The draft monitoring document also will be available for review online. During this period, the documents can be accessed at Recommendations by interested parties may be emailed to [email protected] or submitted by fax to 717.783.6139, attention Jill Deitrich, BSE. Persons providing comments through email or fax must also provide their first and last name, email, position/role, and LEA or agency represented (if appropriate). All e-mail and/or fax comments must be received by June 6, 2019.