Gov. Wolf Signs Cardiac Prevention Act to help Protect Student-Athletes (July 29, 2020)

Governor Tom Wolf has signed Act 73 of 2020, which places the provisions of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act (Act 59 of 2012) into the PA School Code as a new section concerning sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram (EKG) testing. The new law requires that information regarding EKG testing be added to the websites, educational publications, and training sessions required for coaches, prospective student-athletes, and parents/guardians. The new law also provides families the option to request an EKG from their family’s medical provider in addition to the standard athletic participation physical examination. The cost of the EKG testing would be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

PDE Releases BSE Spring 2020 Bulletin (July 29, 2020)

On July 27, 2020, PDE’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education released a Penn*Link message to LEAs from Carole L. Clancy, Director of the Bureau of Special Education. The message announced that the Bureau of Special Education (BSE) Spring 2020 Bulletin can now be found on the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) website at this link:

It also introduces a unique Twitter hashtag (#SpecialEducationInPA) to further highlight the positive, collaborative work happening in special education throughout the commonwealth. LEAs are asked to share the link with families, educators, administrators, schools, agencies, and other stakeholders to promote success for all students with disabilities, ensuring achievement through access to quality and meaningful education. 

PA State Board of Ed. Adopts Chapter 49 Revisions (July 20, 2020)

At its July meeting, the PA State Board of Education adopted revisions to its draft set of changes to the regulations under Title 22, Chapter 49 for certification of professional personnel. The Chapter 49 adopted revisions will now go to the Senate and House Education Committees and the Independent Regulatory Review Commission for review. In addition, a formal public comment period will be scheduled. Please click here to view the draft of changes to Chapter 49.

PDE and PDH Release Joint Updated School Health Guidance (July 18, 2020)

The PA Department of Education and the PA Department of Health jointly released public health guidance to assist Pre-K to 12 schools in developing and implementing Health and Safety Plans for safely returning to in-person instruction for the 2020-21 school year amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.  The guidance provides public health standards to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 for social distancing, face coverings, hand hygiene, and cleaning and disinfecting in Pre-K to 12 school settings. It also reflects currently endorsed public health best practices from DOH and is in response to requests from school leaders for state-level health guidance. The guidance serves as minimum standards for practices across all Pre-K to 12 schools with the understanding that more rigorous measures may be required in certain areas depending on community transmission of COVID-19.

According to PDE, the science and public health conditions surrounding COVID-19 are continually evolving and the guidance will be updated as necessary when new information becomes available. DOH will continue to monitor community transmission rates and other surveillance metrics and may, in close coordination with PDE, issue guidance related to targeted school closure as part of a wider public health mitigation strategy.

To view the guidance document on the PDE website, click here.

PDE Releases Instructional Time Template (July 18, 2020)

Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) released an Emergency Instructional Time Template for schools using alternate pathways to meet instructional time requirements during the 2020-21 school year. The template supplements guidance disseminated by PDE earlier this month (click here to view) that maintains that the PA School Code authorizes school boards to implement temporary operations during times of certain emergency in order to meet the 180-day, 900-hour or 990-hour requirements.

The Emergency Instructional Time Template addresses the school’s legal requirements and provides a review and approval process. Completed templates may be submitted to PDE either as its own document or as an addendum to a school’s Health and Safety Plan.

To access the Emergency Instructional Time Template, click here.