Governor Highlights Free Breakfast Accomplishment (September 10, 2023)

On September 8, 2023 Governor Josh Shapiro visited Maple Point Middle School in Bucks County to join students for breakfast and highlight budget investments in the universal free breakfast program, which ensures students have access to healthy meals to start their day.

The 2023-24 budget includes a $46.5 million increase to provide universal free breakfast to Pennsylvania students and free lunch to all 22,000 students who are eligible for reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program. Thanks to this budget, nearly 1.7 million students across the Commonwealth will receive free breakfast.

“I proposed providing free breakfast to Pennsylvania students in my first budget address because I believe our children need to start the day with a nutritious meal – and I know they can’t learn on an empty stomach,” said Governor Shapiro. For more information on the investments made in this commonsense, bipartisan budget, visit

BSE Memo on PASA 1% Threshold and Timelines Released by PDE (September 7, 2023)

On September 7, 2023, Carole L. Clancy, Director of the PDE Bureau of Special Education, disseminated a PennLink memo titled Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA) and the 1% Threshold Justification: Tiered System of Oversight and Monitoring of LEAs. The memo states that the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education (BSE) must meet regulatory requirements of the US Department of Education (USDE) relative to participation of students with disabilities in statewide systems of assessment for accountability. To meet requirements, the BSE implements the following tiered system of oversight and monitoring of local education agencies (LEAs). Regulatory requirements, the tiered system of oversight and monitoring rationale, and required actions of LEAs are included here. Adherence to the guidelines and timelines set forth by the BSE are required.

Regulatory Requirements
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to ensure participation of students with disabilities in statewide assessments in two ways:

  • Requires that no more than 1 percent of the total tested population of students in each grade and subject participate in an alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards.
  • Requires that 95 percent of students, including students with disabilities, participate in statewide assessments.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) requires states to ensure that all children with disabilities are included in general assessments with accommodations or alternate assessments based on alternate academic achievement standards. IDEA requires states to develop a State Performance Plan (SPP) which describes how states are improving educational outcomes for students with disabilities and complying with the IDEA. Student participation and performance on statewide assessments (SPP Indicator 3) includes a 95 percent participation target for students with IEPs.

Tiered System of Oversight and Monitoring Rationale and Procedure
The BSE developed the three-tiered system of oversight and monitoring as required by ESSA to monitor the participation rates of students in the Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA). The submission process for LEAs has been updated this year to include all three tiers in one form/survey submission. The new process allows the LEA to review the previous school year’s PASA participation data prior to enrolling students for testing this year, and ensure only those students who meet all 6 of PA’s Eligibility Criteria are enrolled to take the PASA.

What is the “1% Threshold”? How are the 1 Percent and 95 Percent participation rates calculated?
The 1% threshold is the term used by the BSE to identify those LEAs who exceed the 1 percent participation rate allowance per ESSA. The calculation is explained during annual training. LEAs will continue to provide their anticipated participation rate for the 2023-24 school year. However, an LEAs identification in tiered monitoring will be based upon the LEAs actual participation rate data from the 2022-23 assessment cycle. BSE will provide each LEA with their 2022-23 participation rate data and tier status.

1% Threshold Tiered System of Oversight and Monitoring Timeline and Resources
The evaluation of the 1% threshold is based on all students belonging to the LEA, including students who are educated in out-of-district placements. The Special Education administrator for every LEA will receive two separate email communications from BSE in September.

  • LEA Special Education Administrators will receive the first email with LEA’s 2023 testing data and tier designation on September 18,2023. The data will include the LEA’s 1 percent PASA participation rate, as well as the overall 95 percent participation rate for students with disabilities (i.e., Pennsylvania System School Assessment, PASA, and Keystone Exams).
  • The second email will be sent to the LEA Special Education Administrator on September 20, 2023. This email will include a personalized survey link to submit the required responses for the tier they have been identified. All survey responses are due to BSE by October 16, 2023.

Each tier includes more extensive questions and data review within the survey. Survey questions will be dependent on the tier designation. LEAs in Tier 3 will engage in an intensive needs review with BSE personnel in addition to completing the survey. A list of LEAs who anticipate exceeding the threshold in the 2023-24 assessment cycle will be made publicly available on the PDE website, in accordance with 34 CFR 200.6 (c)(3) regulations. Any LEA that exceeds the 1% threshold may be subject to further review by BSE.

The updated 2023-24 PASA 1% Threshold Tiered System of Oversight and Monitoring form can be accessed on the Bureau of Special Education Assessment page here: ESSA 1.0 Percent Threshold Justification Requirements (

Special Education leaders can access full information and training on this requirement by viewing “2023-24 PASA Getting Ready: What Special Education Administrators Need to Know about PASA DLM Participation and 1 percent Compliance Requirements”. This asynchronous webinar will be posed by September 8, 2023 on the BSE Assessment page: Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA).

Questions on this requirement can be directed to Lisa Hampe at [email protected] and/or Lisa Hauswirth at [email protected].

Please contact [email protected] if you had a recent change in the assigned Special Education Administrator for your LEA to ensure the email notifications are sent to the correct individual.

USDE: Proposed Section 504 Rule Change Likely to Miss Revised Deadline (September 6, 2023)

Proposed US Department of Education (USDE) Section 504 rule updates aimed at addressing barriers for students with disabilities, fix outdated language, and align with civil rights laws will almost surely not make a revised October deadline.  To date, The USDE has yet to send its regulatory plans to the Office of Management and Budget, which can take up to 120 days to review them

The proposed rules are expected to bring clarity to how Section 504 accommodations for students with disabilities align with the civil rights protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

CMS Taking Action Against States Over Kids Losing Medicaid Coverage Due to Flawed Determination Systems (September 6, 2023)

As school districts nationwide work to help children and families retain benefits amid the transition to automatic renewal systems due to the end of the pandemic, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is threatening state Medicaid agencies with sanctions for improperly removing children from the safety-net coverage during ongoing eligibility checks resulting from the end of the public health emergency declared during the pandemic.

On Wednesday, August 30, 2023, all 50 states and Washington, D.C. received letters from the federal government after it was found that a number of states using automatic renewal systems to review the eligibility of families all at once, despite a lower bar for children that would allow them to remain eligible. Such action could result in eligible children improperly losing their Medicaid coverage.

The CMS is giving state until mid-September to assess their systems, pause disenrollments if they find errors, and reinstate coverage for any affected individuals.

Source: K-12 Dive. Click here for more.

PDE Memo to LEAs Announces FAPE Age Raised to 22 Effective Sept. 5th (August 31, 2023)

On August 30, 2023, Dr. Carole L. Clancy, Director of the PDE Bureau of Special Education, sent a memo to all LEAs titled Change in Age of Eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education.

The memo states that “[t]he Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is writing to communicate an important policy change that will provide continued education services to special education students. This policy change will ensure students can access Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) as they are entitled under federal law.”

“Effective no later than September 5, 2023, all students entitled to FAPE and all of the rights and procedural safeguards under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Chapter 14 of Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code may remain enrolled in public school until they turn 22 years of age. This includes students who turned 21 and exited during or after the 2022-2023 school term.”

It goes on to state that “PDE has concluded that Pennsylvania’s adult education programs constitute public education for the purposes of section 1412(a)(1)(B) of IDEA, and Pennsylvania is required to make FAPE available to students with disabilities until their 22nd birthday. This change is effective no later than September 5, 2023.”

The Guidelines

In addition, PDE has revised its guidance pertaining to INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABLITIES EDUCATION ACT PART B POLICIES AND PROCEDURES UNDER 34 CFR §§ 300.101—300.176 . That guidance can be accessed at:

Page three of that document states, “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ensures that all children with disabilities ages 3 years through 21 years residing in Pennsylvania have the right to a FAPE, including children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled from school. The commonwealth shall make FAPE available to a child with a disability eligible under IDEA until the student turns 22. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a child eligible under IDEA who attains the age of twenty-one (21) years may remain enrolled in their resident district free of charge until their 22nd birthday.”

PDE Advises these Next Steps

First, LEAs should review the FAQs at They should then take the following steps to comply with this change in policy:

  1. PDE will be contacting students with disabilities who turned 21 and exited during or after the 2022-2023 school term. LEAs should also contact those students and provide them the option to re-enroll and access FAPE until their 22nd birthday.
  2. LEAs should include a link to PDE’s webpage that contains the Amended Age-Out Policy, a copy of the Notice Letter, and a copy of the Penn Link Communication on their websites.
  3. Upon enrollment, LEAs should provide FAPE in accordance with IDEA. Please direct questions or requests for assistance to [email protected]

To access the Memo, click here.
To access the guidelines, click here.\
To access the FAQs, click here.