PennLink Informs LEAs to Apply for Contingency Funds by Jan. 31st (December 19, 2023)

On December 18, 2023, Bureau of Special Education Director Carole L. Clancy sent a PennLink message to LEAs titled Contingency Funds for Extraordinary Expenses. The message states that the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is currently accepting applications for the Special Education Contingency Funds for Extraordinary Expenses. The fund’s purpose is to provide additional state funding for the implementation of the Individualized Education Program for a student with significant disabilities. Interested local educational agencies have until the end of day January 31, 2024, to apply.

The application and review process for the 2023-24 school year is specified in the Contingency Funds Guidelines. Applications for the Special Education Contingency Funds must be submitted electronically through the contingency funds request system website at Questions regarding Special Education Contingency Funds for Extraordinary Expenses should be directed to Janette Fulton, Special Education Adviser, Division of Analysis and Financial Reporting, at 717-425-5442 or [email protected].

Pennsylvania’s Budget Impasse Ends (December 15, 2023)

On the evening pf December 13, 2023, Governor Josh Shapiro signed the school and fiscal code bills into law, major bipartisan bills as part of the bipartisan budget for fiscal year 2023-24. Governor Shapiro worked with legislative leaders from both parties to secure the bipartisan passage of major legislation that funds student mental health, environmental repairs in schools, 9-1-1 emergency dispatch, and a historic expansion of the Pennsylvania Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Tax Credit Program.

The bills Governor Shapiro signed into law included language to drive out $175 million for environmental repairs and upgrades in Pennsylvania schools, $100 million for student mental health, $10 million for student teacher stipends, and $7.5 million for indigent defense.

Supporting and Investing in Pennsylvania Students & Teachers
Building on the $567 million increase in basic education funding (BEF) for Pennsylvania school districts – the largest BEF increase in history – and the $46.5 million increase to provide universal free breakfast to 1.7 million Pennsylvania K-12 students, the school code bills signed by the Governor today include:

  • Releasing $261 million to support Pennsylvania community colleges – and $70.5 million for libraries.
  • Investing $175 million in environmental repairs and upgrades in our schools to create world-class facilities that are safe and healthy for students to learn in and teachers to work in.
  • Adding $150 million to the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program & Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program.
  • Investing $100 million for school-based mental health resources for students, fulfilling another key promise of Governor Shapiro’s from the campaign trail.
  • Investing $10 million to provide Pennsylvania’s student teachers with stipends so the Commonwealth can get more well-trained teachers into our classrooms.

For more information on the investments made in the commonsense, bipartisan 2023-24 budget, visit

Anticipated Section 504 Rules Revision Delay Continues (December 11, 2023)

It has been four decades since there has been a major update to the regulations for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Last year, the U.S. Department of Education announced a proposed rule revision, which was originally scheduled to be published in August of this year. However, that never materialized and instead a November publication was expected, but never happened.

When it occurs, the Section 504 update will impact requirements in K-12 and higher education for how schools accommodate students with disabilities. Accommodations that can help remove barriers to learning for students with disabilities could include extended time for test taking, the use of a service animal, and a differentiated school day schedule. Section 504 also requires schools to be physically accessible.

In addition, since some K-12 students qualify for both IDEA services and Section 504 accommodations both Section 504 and IDEA aim to protect the civil rights of students with disabilities, it is anticipated by some that clarity will be provided in this regard, with IDEA addressing learning supports and Section 504 protecting students from discriminatory practices. On the other hand, disability rights advocates see more alignment in certain areas of Section 504 as necessary to ensure students’ needs are being met.

Source: K-12 Dive.

PDE Alerts Schools to MyPDESuite Change (December 11, 2023)

On December 11, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) sent a Pennlink to all Chief School Administrators to inform them of an upcoming change to MyPDESuite. Over the past several years, the PDE has been working diligently to transition users from the CompPlan application, hosted by Capital Area Intermediate Unit (CAIU), to the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP), hosted by PDE, for the completion of LEA and school level plans and reports. Functions formerly completed within the CompPlan application have been successfully completed in the FRCPP for the past three years.  Therefore, as of July 1, 2024, the CompPlan application and all LEA legacy reports currently stored within the application will no longer be available in MyPDESuite.

If schools would like to retrieve any plans or reports from the CompPlan application, they must do so prior to July 1, 2024. If assistance is needed in retrieving the plans or reports, they must use the directions for pulling plan/report from the CompPlan app. Those needing additional help with this process, should email [email protected]. Additionally, the CAIU help desk ([email protected]) will no longer be available as of July 1, 2024, as an option for support. PDE will provide all the technical and content support for the FRCPP and plans/reports, so please continue to request support at [email protected] or individual PDE Resource Accounts.

USDE Sets New Deadline for Title IX Revisions (December 8, 2023)

The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) has set a new timeline for the release of both of its final Title IX rules revisions, The release is now expected to occur by March 2024, which 10 months later than its original goal of a May 2023 release. The USDE’s two related, but separate, rules are expected to be issued consecutively at that time.

Of the two rules, the broader rule includes protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, which would be occurring for the first time. The other rule will provide a framework for how schools should address the inclusion of transgender students on athletic teams aligning with their gender identities.

Due to the volume of attention given to these controversial issues and the efforts of conservative policymakers to change or block the rule changes, the issuance was delayed for a second time in October.

For more from K-12 Dive, click here.