DHS Celebrates Historic Budget Investments that Increase Access to Intellectual Disability and Autism Services, Support the ID/A Workforce (September 10, 2024)

On September4, 2024, Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh joined leadership, staff, and clients from The Arc of Washington County to highlight the life-changing investments in PA’s bipartisan 2024-25 budget for Pennsylvanians with intellectual disability and autism (ID/A). This year’s budget secured historic increases in funding for home- and community-based services for Pennsylvanians with ID/A as well as increases in rates for the providers responsible for essential care and support of these individuals every day.

This year’s budget invests in Pennsylvanians with ID/A and the direct support professionals (DSPs) who care for them by securing $354.8 million in federal and state funding to provide more resources for home and community-based service providers. The funding includes $280 million to help raise wages for DSPs and $74.8 million to begin the process of clearing the emergency waiting list. This investment in provider rates will support recruitment, retention, and wages for DSPs who make inclusive, enriching lives possible for people with intellectual disabilities and autism.

This investment sets a transformative course to eliminate the emergency waiting list for services for adults and reduce barriers to care for thousands of Pennsylvanians over the next several years. This system change will also make Pennsylvania one of a handful of states to end its emergency waiting list and help ID/A community members access vital services to live independently, pursue education and job opportunities, and participate in the Everyday Lives they deserve. 

Through a diverse range of programs and services, The Arc strives to foster inclusion, empowerment, and support for individuals with IDD, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives. Services include: offering guidance to families involved in Pennsylvania’s early intervention services, with an emphasis on enhancing their child’s strengths and growth; and equipping adults and their families with the necessary resources, services and support, to help them live fulfilling lives.

Surgeon General Issues Advisory on Mental Health & Well-Being of Parents (September 8, 2024)

On August 21, 2024, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued an advisory warning that America’s mental health crisis is weighing heavily on parents who are struggling with economic and societal concerns as they try to raise children. Barriers parents are facing include stressors like gun violence, loneliness, a lack of support from extended family or in-person community, and having to face more job-related pressure as well as other newer stresses that prior generations didn’t have to contend with in the same way.

The advisory, titled Parents Under Pressure: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Mental Health & Well-Being of Parents, calls for expanded parental, medical, and sick leave, as well as incorporating mental well-being checks into primary care. The advisory also suggests that anyone who is a parent or filling that role prioritize stress-relievers like exercise and enough sleep, along with recreational activities.

Parents are also advised to nurture relationships with other parents, caregivers, or supportive friends, obtain insurance coverage for themselves and their families, and seek mental health care when needed.

Last year, Murthy issued a public health advisory about the harms social media poses to young people, and in June called for Congress to issue a warning label for kids on social media.

To access Parents Under Pressure: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Mental Health & Well-Being of Parents, click here.

Source: Axios


PCCD School Safety Grant Program Deadline is Sept 26th (September 4, 2024)

Pennsylvania schools and other eligible entities are still able to apply for grant funding for physical security upgrades and to strengthen behavioral health supports through two new school safety grant solicitations from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s (PCCD) School Safety and Security Committee. ​The School Safety and Security Committee approved a funding framework to utilize nearly $120 million in state school safety funding in the 2024-25 budget. Public schools are required to use grant funding to address ‘Level 1’ Behavioral Health Baseline Criteria gaps, and priority consideration will be given to applicants who request funding to address Physical Security and Behavioral Health Baseline needs in competitive applications. 

Eligible applicants can find information about each of these solicitations, including eligibility criteria and application instructions, on PCCD’s School Safety and Security webpage. The application period for the competitive FY 24-25 Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools solicitation will close on Thursday, September 26, 2024. 

To view grant guidelines, click here.

Reporting of Expenditures Relating to Exceptional Students (September 4, 2024)

Act 16 of 2000 (24 PS §13-1372(8)) requires the Reporting of Expenditures Relating to Exceptional Students. School districts and charter schools must report the number of students with disabilities for which expenditures fall in one of five categories. The categories will be 1A, 1B, 2, 3A, and 3B for the 2023-2024 school year. The dollar amounts for these categories will be posted on PDE’s website at Act 16 – Reporting of Expenditures Relating to Exceptional Students. The 2024-25 PIMS Manual will also be updated to reflect the dollar amounts to be reported.

This report will now be collected at the student level through PIMS using the Student Fact Template for Special Education Act 16 Funds. The template will be collected during Collection #1 (opening October 1 and closing with a deadline of October 11, 2024). Data is to be based on expenditures incurred during the entire 2023-2024 school year.

Guidelines regarding the Act 16 reporting can be found at the Act 16 Information webpage.

The Student Fact Template for Special Education Act 16 Funds can be found in the 2023-2024 PIMS Manual.

Questions regarding this reporting requirement may be emailed to [email protected]. A copy of this information is being provided to each intermediate unit so they may assist school districts and charter schools with report preparation, as needed.

DHS Announces Pediatric Capacity Building Institute Year 2 (September 1, 2024)

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) has announced the Second Annual Pediatric Capacity Building Institute (PCBI).  PCBI is a unique, interactive, educational experience which will occur over a nine-month period (March 2025 – November 2025).  DHS strives to bring exceptional speakers who engage participants in a wide range of topics designed to better support children and families with complex needs across the Commonwealth.  Some of the topics include infant mental health, leading through change, multisystemic planning, impact of trauma on children and families, vicarious trauma among professionals, expressive therapies and much more.  PCBI also strives to incorporate the voices and experience of the children and families using these supports and services at every juncture.  PCBI is open to professionals across systems with an interest in learning more about supporting children with complex needs and system change. 

A formal invitation with additional details and an interest survey will be distributed on 9/11/2024.  Additionally, an informational webinar will be held on 9/12/2024. Each person must complete the PCBI Year 2 Interest Survey by 10/9/2024 to express interest and confirm their ability to attend all sessions.  There are a limited number of spaces available for participants.  Persons submitting an interest survey will be notified through email by November 1, 2024, as to their admission status. 

Interested parties can register for the Pediatric Capacity Building Institute Informational Webinar on September 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM EDT at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8184293308064621407.