BSE Releases PASA Test Administration Memo (September 20, 2021)

On Monday, September, 20, 2021, Carole L. Clancy, Director of the PA Bureau of Special Education, released a PennLink titled Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA): 2021-22 Updates and Training Announcements to provide school administrators with important information regarding the Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA) for the 2021-22 school year.

Due to the extension of the 2020-21 PASA test administration window through September 30th, all 2021-22 test cycle activities will occur later this calendar year. PASA Assessment Coordinators (ACs) must not enter or update information to the 2021-22 test cycle in the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Kite Portal prior to December 3, 2021.

PASA ActivityTimeline
Required Test Administrator TrainingDecember 3, 2021- February 28, 2022
Student Enrollment WindowJanuary 5, 2022 – March 7, 2022
Test Administration WindowMarch 14, 2022- May 20, 2022
Score Reports (available electronically)August 2022
Score Reports (mailed)September 2022

A detailed calendar of training and other requirements associated with the 2021-22 PASA can be accessed at: PaTTAN PASA. It is imperative that PASA ACs ensure all training and requirements, including training for assessors, are met according to the timelines defined in the calendar. The calendar also includes data management training specific to PASA ACs. The PIMS report will be used again this year for PASA enrollment in the DLM system. PASA ACs must follow the data management timelines and guidance provided in the training to ensure proper enrollment of PASA eligible students.

The annual “PASA Getting Ready” webinar is intended specifically for Special Education Administrators, Building Administrators, and PASA ACs. This training will highlight important details regarding alternate assessment and regulatory requirements including the 1 percent threshold justification process. This pre-recorded webinar will be available beginning October 15, 2021, at the following link: BSE PASA.

The PA Alternate Assessment Team will continue to provide updates and guidance throughout the year to PASA ACs via the alternate assessment email listserv. New PASA ACs or those who are not currently receiving communications should contact [email protected] immediately to ensure they are added to this listserv.

Questions regarding this information may be directed to Lisa Hampe, Special Education Adviser, at [email protected] or Lynda Lupp, Statewide Assessment Coordinator, at [email protected].