CHIP Re-authorization in Jeopardy: So is Health Insurance for PA Kids in Need

In Pennsylvania, Act 84 of 2015 requires that school districts inform every parent or guardian of every student enrolled in each school district of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) on an annual basis. A popular program across political lines for more than two decades, CHIP  has provided free or low-cost comprehensive health coverage to over 175,000 children up to 19 years of age in the Commonwealth. But, in Washington, DC, Congress has yet to reauthorize it, which is putting states whose funding expires soon in a quandary. In Pennsylvania, that could jeopardize health care for children in February, since CHIP’s budget runs at about $450 million in the PA, with 90 percent of that money coming from the federal government. What remains to be seen is whether political rankling regarding health care and budget issues – as well as most everything else – will put a program in jeopardy that has helped reduce the uninsured rate among children in PA to under four percent.