Special Alert! PAPSA Provides Webinar Series

How Innovative Schools Are Addressing
Social Media, Tech, and
Student Well-Being

When: Thursday July 25th, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ET
Registration Link: CLICK HERE

Every day, students are hit with social media posts, comments from friends, changing tech trends, and a variety of pressures, including the need for all students to achieve academic success. Schools try to support student well-being and address social media and tech to foster productive learning environments, but it’s easy to make mistakes.

In this free webinar, the Pennsylvania Association of Pupil Services Administrators (PAPSA) and The Social Institute (TSI) will partner to guide educators in cultivating modern life skills in their students for sustained success. Attendees will learn actionable strategies to build a systemic approach to modern life skills that also addresses a couple of the biggest influences on students: social media and technology.💻

Registrants will learn: 
✅5 best practices to avoid key mistakes when modernizing your approach to modern life skills & social media education and address student well-being
✅The latest research behind why schools are adopting a positive approach to social media and technology that empowers and equips students, rather than scares and restricts
✅The role of social media and technology play in student well-being and academic success
✅How administrators can help ensure practices and procedures will benefit all students

Join TSI’s Caitlin Dallmeyer and PAPSA’s Jeanne Knouse and Justin Rubenstein for the first in a series of webinars!

Click here to learn more.

Register today!