PaTTAN Announces No-cost PD Opportunities (May 3, 2023)

On May 3, 2023, Dr. Angela Kirby, Director of PaTTAN Central, sent a PennLink message to all LEAs informing them of the no-cost professional development, training, and technical assistance opportunities provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Bureau of Special Education, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) and Intermediate Unit (IU) Training and Consultation Staff. These services are funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and aim to provide evidence-based, customized, and high-quality support to educators in meeting the needs of all students, particularly those with disabilities.

PaTTAN’s goal is to offer flexible, systemic, and tailored professional development opportunities that meet the specific needs of the LEA. For the 2023-24 school year, PaTTAN will offer the following types of customized training and technical assistance supports across the Commonwealth:
-Systemic Customized Supports – offers a broad range of training and technical assistance opportunities, including long-term plans that align with the LEA’s specific goals and objectives. PaTTAN will work collaboratively with the LEA to identify areas of need and develop a comprehensive training and technical assistance plan. Additionally, grand funding may be available to support coordinated efforts.  
-Critical Customized Supports – provide individualized training and technical assistance to help educators build the skills and knowledge needed to overcome immediate challenges. PaTTAN’s goal is to provide targeted support that improves student outcomes and builds capacity within their school district.
-Emergent Short-Term Customized Supports – provide training and technical assistance for unforeseen needs that arise. Our flexible approach allows PaTTAN to respond quickly to a school district’s needs, providing just-in-time support tailored to your specific requirements.
-Professional Development Customized Supports – allow school districts to request specific training or technical assistance that addresses a particular challenge or area of need. PaTTAN will work with LEA’s to design a training plan that meets their unique requirements and aligns with the school district’s goals and objectives.

The message also invited all recipients to attend PaTTAN’s statewide webinar on May 19th at 1 pm to learn more about its services and how it can support a district’s professional development and technical assistance needs. For those unable to attend the live session, the webinar will be recorded and archived for future viewing.

Register using this link: