DHS Celebrates Students Participating in KEYS Educational and Social Support Program (December 23, 2022)

​On December 21, 2022 the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) recognized the work of students participating in the Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS) Program. KEYS provides educational and social supports for students who participate in certain public assistance programs to help them succeed in community college and pursue educational and work goals.

KEYS is a collaborative program between DHS and 14 community colleges across Pennsylvania. The program helps people who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) pursue a community college education and succeed in higher education by providing academic and peer support, financial assistance, career counseling, and much more. KEYS is one of several DHS programs that assist those receiving public benefits access the education and training they need to pursue their goals, succeed in the workforce, and find family-sustaining careers.

The KEYS Program helps Pennsylvanians with low incomes and potential barriers to enrolling in college access a community college education in a way that helps overcome the unique challenges students face. The KEYS program pairs TANF and SNAP recipients with a dedicated “student facilitator” to provide supports necessary for students to complete education activities, and graduate with a career-specific, credit-bearing certification or an associate’s degree. Students participating in the KEYS Program may be eligible for supportive services like assistance with school supplies, transportation, and child care.

During the 2021-22 academic year, 83% of HACC students who participated in the KEYS Program completed the courses in which they were enrolled. In the spring 2022 semester, 65% of students who participated in the program maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. All students in the program are at the poverty threshold defined by the U.S. government, 50% of students work while taking HACC courses, and 80% of students are parents.  

In Fall 2021, DHS leveraged federal American Rescue Plan Act dollars to pilot “Grants to Relieve Inflation and Pandemic Pressures” (GRIPPs), which fully funded a semester’s tuition for 452 low-income students after financial aid packages were factored in. KEYS partners acted quickly to distribute these funds to students in need, and DHS is evaluating additional resources to provide GRIPPs on an ongoing basis.

The KEYS Program launched in 2005 to increase the number of TANF and SNAP recipients with in-demand degrees in fields such as nursing, accounting, occupational therapy, and business management, and thereby improve access to high quality employment opportunities. Last year, KEYS served nearly 1,500 students.

Potential students are referred to KEYS by a County Assistance Office caseworker when they qualify for TANF or SNAP and express interest in pursuing education and training available through community colleges or by working with the KEYS coordinator at their community college. If the individual is not already enrolled at the community college, KEYS facilitators can help academically eligible individuals with the enrollment process, applying for financial aid, placement tests, orientation, and course selection.

To learn more about or apply for benefits like SNAP and TANF, visit DHS’s website at dhs.pa.gov/COMPASS.