PAPSA Participates in Joint Sign-On Letter Opposing School Voucher Expansion (March 28, 2022)

On March 28, 2022, Ā PAPSA joined a state coalition effort to oppose HB 2169, which targets the bottom 15 percent of performing schools. In the bill, the definition of eligible student will include a child who has not yet received a high-school diploma, currently resides in the attendance areas of a low-achieving school; and one of the following: attending a public in PA in the preceding school year; received funds from the program in the preceding school year; will attend first grade for the first time in the next school year; a child in foster care; a child whose adoption decree is not more than one year prior to submission of an application, OR a child of full-time active duty military personnel.

With an assumption of 10 percent of students using the voucher and calculating estimates for regular education students, special education students (all three tiers) and gifted students, it is estimated that the cost of the program to be $170 million to the 85 school districts identified.