PDE Provides Breakdown of State Education Funding by School District (July 1, 2021)

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has posted a spreadsheet breaking down the education funding allocations in the state budget for each school district. This morning Governor Tom Wolf signed the state budget that includes the largest state funding increase for public school students in Pennsylvania history with a $416 million increase for public education, and the groundbreaking Level Up initiative to provide an additional $100 million to the 100 lowest wealth school districts.

ā€œThe state budget invests in the places we know resources are needed the most – to help our school communities mitigate learning gaps, break down barriers, build equitable learning environments, and move forward stronger and together,ā€ said Secretary Noe Ortega. ā€œThis budget – combined with federal funding – creates opportunities to invite our entire educational ecosystem to the table to collaboratively and inclusively problem solve, address disparities, and develop solutions that will serve our students, our future.ā€

The budget increases educational efforts by $416 million in state funding for public education. Budget investments include:

  • $200 million increase in the Fair Funding Formula;
  • $100 million to support underfunded school districts through the newly implemented Level Up initiative;
  • $50 million in special education funding;
  • $30 million for early education;
  • $20 million for Ready to Learn;
  • $11 million for preschool Early Intervention; and
  • $5 million for community colleges

For a breakdown of education allocations in the state budget, please visit www.education.pa.gov/budget.