On June 25, 2021, BSE Director Carole L. Clancy, Director sent a PennLink email titled Approved Private School Preliminary Deductions. That memo stated that in accordance with Section 24 PS 13-1376 of the School Code, it was sent to notify each school district of residence or charter school of a child enrolled in an Approved Private School (APS) of its preliminary payment amount for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year. As of May 10, 2021, student data has been entered by the local educational agencies (LEAs) and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) electronically through the Approved Private School Electronic Management (APSEM) system.
If any student information listed is incorrect, it is the LEA’s responsibility to follow up with the APS and make corrections in APSEM. The LEA is responsible for submitting the 4011s to PDE in a timely manner. Please log into the APSEM system and run the 4010 Enrollment Deduction Report for school year 2019-2020. These amounts are preliminary and are subject to change before the June 1, 2021 deductions.
If an LEA should have any questions pertaining to the PDE-4011, accounting, and/or deductions, they are advised to contact Jessica Burkey at [email protected] or 717 783-6906.