BSE Memo Addresses Indicator 14 Requirements (September 10, 2019)

On September 5, 2019, Carole L. Clancy, Director of PDEā€™s Bureau of Special Education disseminated a memo via PennLink titledĀ State Performance Plan Data Requirements – Postsecondary School Survey (Cohort 5 Exit). According to the memo, the accountability requirement under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) mandates that each state determine the extent to which students are achieving transition outcomes (State Performance Plan – Indicator 14). To meet the federal reporting requirement, each local education agency (LEA) is mandated to administer Exit-and Post-School Surveys to students who have graduated, aged out or dropped out with individualized education programs (IEPs) once over a five year period, based on the LEA’s assignment to a targeted sampling year (Cohort). For 2019-2020 LEAs assigned to Cohort 5 are required to administer Exit Surveys, and during 2020-2021, these same LEAs will be required to complete the Post-School Surveys.

The following information specifically addresses Exit Survey administration for 2019-2020.  LEAs assigned to Cohort 5, as listed below, are required to address the following:

  • Administer the Exit Survey for all student leavers (graduates, dropouts and students who reach maximum age) who have IEPs.
  • Participate in the Pennsylvania Post School Outcome Survey Overview for Cohort 5 webinar, which is scheduled for September 24, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  Information concerning the administration of Exit Surveys will be addressed during the webinar.  Registration is required and may be accessed at
  • Participate in the February 27, 2020, Exit Survey training webinar from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Registration for this event is required and can be completed when registering for the September webinar.  Information regarding accessing and entering information into the online system will be presented during this webinar. 

For questions about the Exit Survey or Indicator 14 process, please contact PaTTAN Educational Consultants Hillary Mangis atĀ [email protected]Ā or Jacki Lyster atĀ [email protected].Ā