

PAPSA offers a variety of programs for the Pupil Services professional including:

  • Acclaimed conferences that provide exceptional professional development on the most current topics that impact Pupil Services. Conferences are held annually in the spring at The Inn at Leola Village Resort near Lancaster. For more information, please visit this website and click on the link for “Conferences” which can be found under the “Programs” heading.
  • A webinar series that is free to members and will examine timely and important topics in the field of Pupil Services. The webinars will feature experts from The Social Institute and PAPSA.
  • PupilServ, the PAPSA list service, allows members to communicate with their peers in the Pupil Services profession. To join this free email distribution service, just go online and send an email to [email protected] with the single word SUBSCRIBE in the message box. Type “PupilServ” in the Subject box. You will receive back a confirmation that you have been entered on the list service and an explanation of how to cancel your involvement in PupilServ should you ever decide to do so. When you wish to send a message to the others on PupilServ, just address it to [email protected]. This list service permits you to query others in the field on topics of interest. All PAPSA members are automatically enrolled in PupilServ and other interested parties are encouraged to do so as well.
  • Publications that provide Pupil Services professionals with expert information through bi-monthly mass email newsletters (at the beginning and middle of each month); a quarterly newsletter; PAPSA Manual inserts; mass email alerts; and digital publications such as Legal Issues: A Pupil Services Perspective, Designing a Comprehensive Written Program of Pupil Services, and A Comprehensive Guide to Administering Pupil Services. Publications can be ordered on this website by clicking here.