2022-23 SHARRS Reporting Window Closes on Sept. 30th (September 24, 2023)

On September 22, 2023, Director of the Division of School Health Colleen Schultz sent a PennLink message to all LEAs reminding them that the SHARRS reporting window will close on September 30th 2023. LEAs were urged to share the important reminder with staff responsible for completing the SHARRS report and ensure reporting information is submitted in a timely manner to ensure all school districts receive reimbursement for 22-23 School Year. The message also said to note the following:
-The Superintendent/CEO is the only person with the capability to submit the report. 
-SHARRS programming will close the reporting window September 30. Therefore, timely submission of information is essential in order to be reimbursed for the 22-23 School Year.
-SHARRS can be accessed at https://apps.health.pa.gov/SHARRS/Login.aspx. An “INSTRUCTIONS” button on each page provides additional guidance to assist in completing the report.