Center for Safe Schools Offers Bullying Prevention Third Thursday PD Series (January 11, 2021)

The Center for Safe Schools is pleased to present the Bullying Prevention Third Thursday professional development series. This series is a way for educators, bullying prevention trainers, social workers, after-school professionals and a host of community partners to become more familiar with bullying prevention, social emotional learning, cutting edge research, trauma-informed approaches and many more topics that help support school climate improvement in-person and online. The Center for Safe Schools is pleased to present the Bullying Prevention Third Thursday professional development series. This series is a way for educators, bullying prevention trainers, social workers, after-school professionals and a host of community partners to become more familiar with bullying prevention, social emotional learning, cutting edge research, trauma-informed approaches and many more topics that help support school climate improvement in-person and online.

The series kicks off on January 21, 2021 with Best Practices in Bullying Prevention: Examining a Three-Tiered Approach presented by Jane Riese, Associate Director, Safe and Humane Schools, Mary Dolan, Bullying Prevention Consultant, Pennsylvania Department of Education, and Stacie Molnar-Main, School Climate and Social Emotional Learning Consultant, Pennsylvania Department of Education, and Research Associate, Kettering Foundation